I live in a country
Where the poor gets
Poorer and the rich
Gets richer
I live in a country
Where theft and in-humanity
Reigns supreme
We live in a country
Were our leaders who
Should set the pace
Give the masses all the reasons
To doubt their leadership
I live in a country
Were I fall sick after travelling
On a well tarred road
Due to the acclimatization
Of bad roads
We all live in a country
Were darkness is our hobby
Whenever the P.H.C.N gives us
Light for more than 6hrs
We presume that it’s a mistake
We live in a country
Where news broadcasters
Easily mention ear tingling
Numbers of citizens who
Died in one thin or the order
We live in a country
Were plane crash has
Become the headline of
Our every day newspapers
We live in a country
Were members of the house
Are un-arguably the same thing
With street touts
We live in a country
Were an ibo man practically
Cant board the same bus
With an hausa man.
Written by mark-anthony junior.